In angular typescript environment, the vscode editor is integrated by ngx-monaco-editor, for how to install ngx-monaco-editor on angular typescript environment, refer to previous article
When ngx-nonaco-editor is ready, update your html file, add onInit() callback when initlalizing it,
<ngx-monaco-editor class="full-height" #codeContainer [options]="editorOptions" [(ngModel)]="code" (onInit)="onInit($event)"></ngx-monaco-editor>
In onInit() function, save the instance,
onInit(editor: any) {
this.codeEditor = editor;
Add on language change or theme change event call function
onChangeLang() {
(<any>window).monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(this.codeEditor.getModel(), this.editorOptions.language);
this.code = '//' + this.editorOptions.language;
onChangeTheme() {