Php7.4 Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
When upgrading php from 7.2 to 7.4 in centos 8, then restart php-fpm service, an error message below occoured. Check out the file, it does exists, This is because the libzip version does not match the needed, libzip should auto be updated. Run the following command to update libzip, and then restart php-fpm service.
OpenShift Code Ready Containers Guide
Openshift code ready container(crc) is a lightweight openshfit environment for developers, it can be installed on a single standalone vm or on your laptop. I will describe how to install and configure it on centos/rhel 8 system. 1, prerequisites OS: centos-stream 8 or rhel 8, with 4 core 16G memory. if you do not need monitoring stack, 9G memory is…
Add Custom DNS Server/Entry in Openshift crc environment
If you have a private registry in your lab environment, and to add this registry to openshift crc environment, for dns setup, add single entry in NetworkManager configuration of host os, in with address=/domain/ip format, Also for upstream dns server, append it with server=/domain/dnsserver format
Convert Json To Yaml In Java
In java, to convert json string or json object to yaml string, you can use jackson to do this in pom.xml, add dependency
JS/TS Convert unix timestamp to Time String
To Convert a unix timestamp to humman readable string, use new Date() with parameter * 1000, convert unix timestamp to GMT String, To local string To ISO string To UTC string
Install ImageMagick and PHP Imagick on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8
Install ImageMagick and php-ImageMagick on centos8 install ImageMagick Install php and php-pear, compile tools Now, install PHP Imagick with pecl command. Add php extention configuration For wordpress installation, restart php-fpm Confirm extention is loaded
Install php7.4 on Centos8/Oracle Linux 8
Install epel-release check all available PHP versions using the following command: The default PHP version is set to PHP 7.2. If you want to install the latest PHP 7.4, you will need to reset the default PHP steams. Run the following command to reset the default PHP Next set php7.4 as default Now you can install php7.4
Macos ITerm2 SSH Session Keepalive
In Macos, Item2 do not have a builtin ssh keepalive configuration, to config ssh keepalive, setup ssh config for current user or global confguration, add blow configuration for current user
Centos Close Systemd Port 111
In Centos/RHEL, systemd listens on port 111 which is used by rpcbind service, for security reason, close it or disable rpcbind service.
Tcpdump Container Network Traffic
Get pod host IP and container ID SSH to host where pod is running. Get container interface id On the host, get interface Tcpdump interface
一、查看网卡状态:netstat -i 二、ARP操作查看ARP表:ip neigh show 删除ARP条目:ip neigh del x.x.x.x dev tun0 添加ARP条目:ip neigh add 三、OVS相关指令导出br0网桥上的流表:ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-ports-desc br0 列出网桥的端口:ovs-vsctl — –columns=name,ofport list 查看datapath的流表:ovs-dpctl dump-flows 查看数据包经过流表处理状态:ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br0 in_port=tun0,arp,arp_spa=tun0接口IP,arp_sha=tun0接口mac,arp_tpa=目标节点tun0接口ip -generate 四、抓包抓取物理网卡的vxlan包:tcpdump -i ens192 port 4789 and host 节点IP -enn 抓取tun0接口上的arp包:tcpdump -i tun0 host 节点ip and arp -n 抓取容器中的ARP流量tcpdump -i 容器的veth网卡 arp -n
Mysql 8 CheatSheet
Database Operation Table Operation User Operation Backup/Restore
Mysql 8.0 Allow Root Remote Login
When setting up mysql with mysql_secure_installation, Disallow root login remotely set to no, but login with root user from remote is still blcoked, try the other methods, such as blow. mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘root’@’localhost’; mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET host=’%’ WHERE user=’root’; and then restart msyql service.
Angular Application Witch Ace Editor Error
In HyperKuber Web Project which is using angular 13 with ace editor for yaml/json display, an error occured in browser console, as follows blob: Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute ‘importScripts’ on ‘WorkerGlobalScope’: The script at ” failed to blob::1 or blob: Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute ‘importScripts’ on ‘WorkerGlobalScope’: The script at ” failed to blob::1 This is…
ShaunOS Open Sourced
Havent updated this site for a long time. this is a normal update. I have decided to opensource shaunos which was written by me from scrach 4 years ago. And i have no time to maintain it, so i upload it to github for those who are intrested in kernel dev or learning. Feel free to use it, it’s under…
openshift origin multi-master manually deployment part-5
8,deply route and docker registry service. deploy a router, running on three master nodes oadm policy add-scc-to-user hostnetwork -z router oadm router router –replicas=3 –selector=’region=infra’ \ –service-account=router deploy docker registry running on node1, on node1: mkdir -p /opt/openshift-registry chown 1001:root /opt/openshift-registry on master1, deploy docker registry service and secure it: oadm registry –service-account=registry –mount-host=/opt/openshift-registry –selector=’region=primary’ oadm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:default:registry…
openshift origin multi-master manually deployment part-4
7, setup node service, we install node service on all nodes, including master nodes. yum install -y centos-release-openshift-origin yum install -y origin-node origin-pod origin-sdn-ovs origin-dockerregistry vi net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 sysctl -p
openshift origin multi-master manually deployment part-3
6, install and cofigure etcd cluster, on all master nodes yum install -y etcd configure etcd, comment out all default configuration entries, and add contents below. vi ETCD_LISTEN_PEER_URLS= ETCD_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/etcd/ #ETCD_SNAPSHOT_COUNTER=10000 ETCD_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL=500 ETCD_ELECTION_TIMEOUT=2500 ETCD_LISTEN_CLIENT_URLS= #ETCD_MAX_SNAPSHOTS=5 #ETCD_MAX_WALS=5 #ETCD_CORS=
openshift origin multi-master manually deployment part-2
5, install origin master service, on all master yum install -y centos-release-openshift-origin yum install -y origin-master bash-completion create origin-master-api systemd file vi [Unit] Description=Atomic OpenShift Master API Documentation= After=etcd.service Before=origin-node.service [Service] Type=notify EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/origin-master-api Environment=GOTRACEBACK=crash ExecStart=/usr/bin/openshift start master api –config=${CONFIG_FILE} $OPTIONS LimitNOFILE=131072 LimitCORE=infinity WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/origin SyslogIdentifier=atomic-openshift-master-api RestartSec=5s
openshift origin multi-master manually deployment part-1
i have deployed an openshift origin muliti-master cluster successfully on centos and suse enterprise server. Since the deployment is done manually, i will describe it in detail as possibly as i can. first, take a whole view of architecture, we have three master nodes, all of them are in active state. the number of nodes is according to your cluster…
Happy New Year
The Chinese new year is coming soon!In the year of rooster,I wish you all be rich and live a life you want!
Rabbitmq Server cluster docker images for openshift origin platform
Build rabbitmq cluster docker images for openshift origin platform. Down load docker file tarball rabbitmq.tar, and cd rabbitmq, run docker build -t rabbitmq . after build process is done, tag the images built with rabbitmq:v002 docker images docker tag image-id rabbitmq:v002 and then deploy a rabbitmq-server cluster in openshift origin platform. we should create a serviceaccount rabbitmq, and add it…
Openshift origin multi-node installation guide
in this tutorial, i will describe how to deploy an openshift multi-node cluster manually. before we start, let’s clarify some basic requirements and deployment topology. one master node, virtual box vm, 2 cores + 2G mem + 20G disk two nodes, virtual box vm, 2 cores + 2G mem + 20G disk master hostname: ip address: node1 hostname: ip…
Adjust total file descriptors of rabbitmq
The total file descriptors number of rabbitmq is 1024 by default. This value is not big enough obviously when your openstack cluster grows. If the file descriptor or socket descriptor reaches its limit, the rabbitmq server will close incoming connections. and you will see the error below: AMQP server on controller1:5672 is unreachable: timed out. Trying again in 1 seconds.…